Welcome Message from the President
Hi, my name is Amir Muradali, and I am the founder and president of the Association of MBAs in Canada (AMBAC).
Thank you for visiting our website and welcome!
I’d like to take this opportunity to give you a sense of who we are, why we exist and what we hope to accomplish.
We formed AMBAC in 2013 based on a gap we observed in the marketplace. And I would like to emphasize this point - we come from industry. Our founding team has over 50 years of post-MBA work experience. We’ve been in the trenches, and we have seen the reality of post-MBA life.
The gap we discovered was for a representative body that would not only help MBAs grow and develop their talent so they are able to contribute more, but also to help employers understand, and get the most out of, the MBA talent pool to further their businesses.
As we stand today, there are employers who recognize the value of MBAs, actively recruit them, and have the right systems and structure to help MBAs grow and progress in their career. There are also employers who don’t necessarily believe in the value of MBAs, or the value of MBAs to their businesses. And then there are those employers who know about MBAs, but are unsure of what they have to offer and/or how to best utilize them.
When faced with this environment, the challenge for an MBA to pave a career path that is progressively challenging and rewarding - both extrinsically and intrinsically - is high.
Our belief is that MBAs are of value to all businesses. We believe that for each business, there is an optimal relationship between an MBA and the employer, creating a win-win scenario where MBAs and employers meet their individual expectations.
We believe through a unifying body that represents MBAs, we move closer to facilitating this win-win scenario on a broad scale.
This is not going to be an easy endeavor. There are many obstacles to overcome, but we are up for the challenge.
For starters, we have introduced the MBA Career Ladder – a system that makes explicit and visible, the achievements required for MBAs to progress towards careers in organizational leadership or subject matter expertise. This system has proposed benefits for both MBAs and employers, and if you are either, I would highly encourage you to familiarize yourself with it.
We are still in our humble beginnings. Our member base exceeds 1600, and we have a long ways to go. But with the support and participation of our members, we believe we will achieve our ultimate goal – to preserve and grow the MBA talent.
Thank you,
Click here to connect with me on LinkedIn
If you are an MBA and reside in Canada, please consider joining AMBAC. Membership is free, but with membership comes a host of benefits. To learn more, click here.
If you are an employer and are interested in hiring MBA talent, whether it is designing attractive role opportunities or promoting open positions to our member base, please get in touch with us by sending an email to [email protected]
If you are a learning provider and have learning events/opportunities that would be of interest to MBAs, please get in touch with us to discover opportunities to promote your events to our member base. Send an email to: [email protected]
All other inquiries, please get in touch with us by clicking here. (This page has Facebook comments, so feel free to post your comments / questions here).
Some of the Business Schools our members come from: