About Us
AMBAC was founded in 2013 to be the voice of MBAs in Canada. The vision for AMBAC is to be the prominent body representing and supporting those (living in Canada) who have invested in an MBA.
But AMBAC's purpose is simple – to help preserve and grow MBA talent.
AMBAC was founded with clear understanding of the challenges MBAs face in seeking challenging, exciting and meaningful opportunities that not only serve their employers, but also help MBAs grow in their careers.
AMBAC's member base consists of MBAs who share this vision, are accomplished, active, engaged and committed to not only enhancing the value of their MBA, but to enhancing the value employers receive from MBAs. AMBAC's members come from across Canada, are in various industries, and range from students to executive level.
Sign up below to join AMBAC
To join AMBAC, you must have an MBA or be working towards one. All we require for membership is some basic information. Once signed up, we will keep you up to date on association progress, events and job opportunities.
We are currently using an email list to manage our member base. We collect your information to stay in touch with you and to forward you relevant information as a member of AMBAC. You will receive this information in the form of emails, newsletters and/or videos.
Some of the Business Schools our members come from: